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Our Blog April 20, 2023

Social Media Advertising Trends to Watch Out

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Social media advertising has come a long way in the past decade, and we can expect to see some significant changes in the industry. Businesses and advertisers need to stay updated with the latest trends and innovations to enhance their social media advertising strategies. In this article, we’ll explore some of the exciting social media advertising trends that will shape the future of digital marketing.

The Rise of Influencer Marketing

The use of influencers in marketing has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it’s a trend that’s set to continue well into the future. Influencer marketing is all about leveraging the followers, credibility, and reach of influential people on social media platforms to promote products and services. This is a highly effective way to reach a large audience in a short amount of time, and it’s a strategy that has been adopted by businesses of all sizes.

One of the reasons why influencer marketing has become so popular is because it allows businesses to tap into the power of social media. Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have millions of users, and influencers have built up large followings on these platforms. By partnering with influencers, businesses can reach a highly engaged audience and promote their products and services in a way that feels natural and authentic.

Micro-Influencers Gaining Traction

The concept of using micro-influencers is one that’s been gaining traction lately. These are influencers who have a smaller follower base, but who often have a more targeted and engaged audience. Micro-influencers are seen as more relatable and trustworthy than larger influencers, and they often have a more personal relationship with their followers.

In the times ahead, we can expect to see more businesses partnering with micro-influencers to reach niche audiences. This is because micro-influencers are able to connect with their followers on a deeper level, and they can help businesses to build brand loyalty and trust.

The Impact of Influencer Authenticity

As the use of influencers becomes more prevalent, it’s becoming increasingly important to ensure that their authenticity shines through. Consumers are looking for genuine connections and are wary of influencers who appear to be promoting products purely for financial gain.

In the coming times, we can expect to see more businesses working with influencers who align with their brand values, and who are willing to produce authentic content. This means that influencers will need to be more selective about the brands they work with, and they will need to be transparent about any sponsored content they produce.

Influencer Marketing Platforms and Tools

The development of influencer marketing platforms and tools is making it easier than ever for businesses to find, connect and collaborate with influencers. These platforms allow businesses to search for influencers based on a range of criteria, such as location, niche, and audience size.

Going forward, we can expect to see more businesses turning to these platforms to streamline their influencer marketing efforts. This will make it easier for businesses to find the right influencers for their brand, and it will help to ensure that their influencer campaigns are more effective.

In conclusion, the rise of influencer marketing is a trend that’s set to continue well into the future. By partnering with influencers, businesses can reach a large and engaged audience, and promote their products and services in a way that feels natural and authentic. As the industry evolves, we can expect to see more businesses working with micro-influencers, prioritising authenticity, and using influencer marketing platforms and tools to streamline their efforts.

Video Content Continues to Dominate

Video content has been dominating social media platforms for several years now, and this trend is set to continue. With the rise of social media platforms such as Youtube and TikTok, video has become the preferred way consumers consume content. Businesses need to realise the importance of video content and adapt to this trend to remain competitive.

Video content is not only popular among consumers, but it is also a powerful tool for businesses to showcase their products and services. With the ability to convey emotions and tell stories, video content helps businesses to create a strong emotional connection with their audience.

The Growth of Short-Form Video

Short-form video content, such as TikTok and Instagram Reels, is becoming increasingly popular. Moving forward, we can expect to see more businesses adopting this format to reach audiences with shorter attention spans. Short-form videos are an excellent way for businesses to showcase their products and services in a creative and engaging way. With the use of music, filters, and special effects, short-form videos can capture the attention of the audience and leave a lasting impression.

Live Streaming and Interactive Content

Live streaming offers businesses an excellent way to engage with their audiences in real-time, and the trend is expected to continue. Businesses can use live streaming to showcase their products, host Q&A sessions, and provide behind-the-scenes access to their audience. Interactive content such as polls and quizzes will become more popular, and businesses will use this type of content to increase engagement and boost their brand’s visibility. With the use of interactive content, businesses can create a more personalised experience for their audience and increase their engagement.

Video Ad Formats and Best Practices

Businesses need to adapt their video ad formats to suit the different social media platforms they’re using. For example, vertical videos are more suited to Instagram and Snapchat, while square and horizontal formats work better on Facebook and YouTube. We can expect to see businesses develop more effective video ad strategies that are tailored for different formats and platforms. With the use of data analytics, businesses can identify the most effective ad formats and optimise their video ads for maximum engagement.

In conclusion, video content is set to dominate social media platforms in the times ahead. Businesses need to adapt to this trend and create engaging video content that resonates with their audience. With the use of short-form videos, live streaming, and interactive content, businesses can increase their engagement and boost their brand’s visibility. By developing effective video ad strategies, businesses can reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.

The Power of Personalization

Personalization is a crucial trend in social media advertising, and it’s one that’s set to become even more important. Consumers want to see content that’s relevant to them, and businesses need to develop strategies that tailor their ads to different audiences.

Personalization is not just about using someone’s name in an email or ad. It’s about understanding their interests, behaviours, and preferences and using that information to deliver a tailored experience. When done right, personalization can increase engagement rates, improve brand loyalty, and ultimately drive sales.

AI-Driven Targeting and Ad Delivery

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already playing a significant role in social media advertising, and we can expect to see more businesses using AI to deliver personalised content to their audiences. AI-powered tools can analyse vast amounts of data to identify patterns and insights that humans might miss. From automated ad targeting to AI-driven creative optimization, businesses will need to leverage this technology to remain competitive.

For example, AI-powered targeting can help businesses identify the right audience for their ads based on factors such as interests, behaviours, and demographics. This can help them avoid wasting ad spend on audiences that are unlikely to convert. AI-driven creative optimization, on the other hand, can help businesses identify the most effective ad creative for each audience segment, improving engagement rates and overall ad performance.

Dynamic Creative Optimization

Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) is a new trend that allows businesses to personalise their ads to specific audiences at scale. DCO combines AI and machine learning to tailor ad creative to each individual, improving engagement rates and overall ad performance.

DCO works by creating multiple versions of an ad, each with different elements such as images, headlines, and calls to action. The AI then selects the best combination of elements for each individual based on their interests, behaviours, and preferences. This can lead to significantly higher engagement rates and better ad performance overall.

Custom Audiences and Lookalike Modeling

Custom audiences and lookalike modelling will become more critical. These tools allow businesses to create audiences based on specific characteristics such as interests, demographics, and behaviours. By targeting these audiences, businesses can improve their ad relevance and increase their ROI.

Custom audiences are created by uploading a list of customer data, such as email addresses or phone numbers. The social media platform then matches that data to user profiles and creates an audience segment that businesses can target with their ads. Lookalike modelling, on the other hand, allows businesses to create a new audience based on the characteristics of an existing audience. This can help businesses reach new customers who are likely to be interested in their products or services.

Overall, personalization is a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve their social media advertising performance. By leveraging AI-driven targeting and ad delivery, dynamic creative optimization, and custom audiences and lookalike modelling, businesses can create a more engaging, relevant, and effective advertising experience for their audiences.

Social Commerce Takes Center Stage

Social media has revolutionised the way we interact with each other, and it’s no surprise that it’s also changing the way we shop. With the rise of social commerce, businesses are increasingly turning to social media platforms to reach their audiences and drive sales. In the times ahead, we can expect to see even more businesses adopting social commerce strategies to stay competitive.

Shoppable Posts and Stories

Shoppable posts and stories are a game-changer for businesses looking to streamline the shopping experience for their audiences. By allowing consumers to purchase products directly from their social media feeds, businesses can reduce the friction between discovery and purchase. We can expect to see even more businesses adopting this feature and refining its implementation to maximise its impact.

For example, a fashion brand could use shoppable posts to showcase its latest collection, with each post featuring a different item of clothing. By including a “Shop Now” button on each post, the brand can make it easy for consumers to purchase the items they like without ever leaving the social media platform.

Social Media Marketplaces

Social media platforms are increasingly expanding their offerings to include marketplace features. We can expect to see more businesses utilising these marketplaces to sell their products and services directly to consumers. This trend is particularly prevalent on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, which have already launched their own marketplaces.

For businesses, these marketplaces offer a unique opportunity to reach a wider audience and tap into the social media platform’s existing user base. By listing their products on these marketplaces, businesses can increase their visibility and attract new customers.

Influencers as Sales Drivers

Influencer marketing has been a buzzword in the social media industry for years, but going forward, we can expect to see even more businesses using influencers as sales drivers. By partnering with influencers who align with their brand values, businesses can tap into their followers to drive sales and increase revenue.

For example, a fitness brand could partner with a popular fitness influencer to promote its products. The influencer could create content showcasing the brand’s products in action and share it with their followers, encouraging them to make a purchase. By leveraging the influencer’s existing audience, the brand can reach a wider audience and drive sales.

Overall, social commerce is set to become even more critical as businesses look for new ways to reach their audiences and drive sales. By adopting these strategies, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and capitalise on the power of social media.


In summary, social media advertising is set to undergo some significant changes in the times ahead. From the rise of influencer marketing to the importance of personalization, businesses will need to adapt to remain competitive. By staying up-to-date with these trends and implementing them into their strategies, businesses can continue to reach and engage their audiences on social media platforms.

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